Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Addie

Our little Jewell turned a big 4 yesterday. We celebrated at Grandpa's on Sunday with her cousins and then last night at my moms house. She is growing by leaps and bounds and we love her dearly. Happy Birthday sweet Addie.

Over the weekend we made cookies. The kids loved decorating and eating them. Alex said they were the best cookies ever.

Struggles with emotions.
Do you ever go through spells where you just seem to be struggling so hard to stay a float. You cry at the drop of a hat and you know how blessed you are and you know God's love and strength are with you but you still continue to walk through a valley you just can't seem to get through. Well that's where I am right now. I feel like I'm walking through a valley. I'm praying, I'm relying on God's mercy and strength to see me through. I know He's hearing my prayers. I know he's answering my prayers and yet my heart just feels broken in two.
So you ask why do I feel this way? As many of you know Ashton has lived with us for quiet some time now. We've (I've) grown very attached to her. She decided last week that she needed to make a change in her life and chose to move out. She left on good terms and I have talked with her almost daily since she left. Still there is an empty hole in our family. Last night little Addie cried as she went to bed that she wanted Ashton. I tried to explain to her that Ashton no longer lived with us but bless her heart she just really doesn't understand. I have to say I don't understand either. I think if I could comprehend on some level what her reasoning for leaving was or if she left on bad terms I could understand her leaving but to not understand why she chose to leave makes it even more difficult. I can see her struggling greatly and I want to reach out and tell her I feel like she's made a really BAD mistake. I know Joseph is hurting very deeply also and I know for his best interest I need to leave things alone and ensure I don't overstep my bounds. However that doesn't keep my heart from hurting or make the pain I feel any less real. I'm trying to encourage the two of them as they choose to go their separate ways. I'm trying to let my light shine and help them make it through this difficult time in their lives. So I'm holding up a big front. I'm smiling when I don't want to smile and I'm doing what I can to ensure I'm being a Christian mom to Joe and a Christiian friend to Ashton. I ask that you lift our family and Ashton up in your prayers.

Ephesians 6:10
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
With Love,Tina

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